Wednesday 21 September 2011

Moving back to the Big Smoke

On Saturday I'm moving back to London, after a summer away from it, and back to my studies as a second year Philosophy and Theology student. I am so looking forward to going back after being home for almost 4 months. Now I am moving on from living at home or surrounded by people in student halls and now am actually going to be living independently in my own flat in the city. Well, not quite my own, with my two flat mates Andrew and Christina who are going to be wonderful flat mates and hopefully we're going to have some really good times living together. I have slowly been gathering my things together for the move and it's only when you start packing on this scale that one realises how much junk I actually have, but I still stand on the notion that a girl can not have too many shoes, for I have found some that I had forgotten existed. Which is great, it's like getting a surprise new pair of shoes when you know you're going to like them.
I'm going to have to definitely get better at cooking now I'm having to cook for myself, I lived in catered halls last year. I haven't really done much cooking and so I fear it's going to be a job of trial and error until I manage to get it right! We'll have to see.

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